GETS Plus -  Planning & Technology – A Bundle of Opportunity  

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We believe that fundamental knowledge of how to properly and responsibly operate a Capacity Trade Exchange Clearing Systems is crucial.

The philosophy of GETS Plus is to concentrate on providing knowledge & products that work well and provide exciting features that will increase your trading and open-up new opportunities.

GETS Plus embraces the idea that the future is made-up of diverse individuals and complex communities heading toward a common goal. We aim to harness the energy that this creates and promote collaboration around fundamental and ethical practices.

There are many different options to tap into the opportunity offered through GETS Plus. Each option combines planning, training and technology.

Since every community is different, the best way to determine the GETS Plus option that is best for you is to share your vision with us. You can do this by completing our free evaluation form. This gives us an opportunity to respond with suggested next steps for your community and initial recommendations regarding the GETS Plus option that fits your situation.

Get Your Mutual Credit Clearing Community Started

Our passion is helping communities, big and small, develop strong and trusted mutual credit clearing systems. Share your vision with us. We look forward to creating a credit clearing solution for you and welcoming you to the community of communities, GETS Plus.

Request our FREE Evaluation Form to give you a valuable insight into how to setup your Exchange  Please Send Me The GETS Free Evaluation Form

Many GETS Plus Options to Start - Or Create Your Own "Pick-n-Mix" Options

The options available to become involved in GETS Plus combine features and functions of the GETS Technology, planning, training, and license options based on the size of your exchange community.

To make it easy, GETS Plus has more than 15 baseline packages to consider. If you're not happy with those pre-packaged options, we will work with you to create exactly what you need.

Here are just FIVE examples of the pre-packaged options

Community-Builder PACKAGE

This program can be combined with the Bronze License for a very low cost and basic online system for a small community just getting started with approx 20 features. This option can include a basic strategy plan that GETS Plus completes together with you and gives you access to marketing and training materials.

This option is starts from as little as £200 Installation and £50 per month.

Start-Up Exchange PACKAGE

This program can be combined with the Silver License for a new start professional Trade Exchange network with approx 30 features. This option includes moderate planning with GETS Plus and access to basic marketing and training materials.

This option is starts from as little as £250 Installation and £75 per month.

Established Exchange PACKAGE

This program can be combined with the Silver License for a large established professional Trade Exchange with approx 80 features. This option includes standard planning with GETS Plus and access to all standard marketing and training materials.

This option is starts from  £500 Installation and £175 per month.

Existing Business Network PACKAGE

This program can be combined with the Gold License for a very large and robust network with approx 120 features. This option includes comprehensive planning with GETS Plus and access to all needed marketing and training materials.

This option is starts from £1,600 Installation and £200 per month.


GETS Tech Ltd(Global Exchange Trading Systems) Tel: UK +44 1224 574 123  US +1 (918) 314 1127 Email: 
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